Y'all, my first blog post. It has taken me about a year for me to do this!
I feel like I am always treading water. I always feel that I can barely keep up with life. So posting to social media and blogging have not been my priorities. But here I go!!
About a year ago we sold our house and moved into the Lake Jeanette area of the city of Greensboro, North Carolina. I was a little worried about finding good spots for photo sessions, as my style is not the super manicured city parks that are so popular in our area. I have been creative and spent lots of hours exploring and have found some little hidden gems in my area!
One of the locations I have been using is this field!! It had daisies, then wildflowers, and now its about all dried up and the city is putting a highway through here!! I am so sad! I rode by there today and they have ran over a big chunk of it with their trucks and created a 'road' and have some equipment in the back. It is such a pretty spot for a sunset. I am always on the search for some locations for photo sessions. Posted through out my blog here are some beautiful photos of Jordan from a session at this field.
So, about that first feature on a blog!
I use lots of presets for editing, which are kind of like little recipes or 'filters' that you can apply to your editing settings and use on your images. I have created my own, and then are ones I have purchased but always end up tweaking them and changing them to my liking. Depending on lighting and different situations will determine which presets I decide to apply to my photos. I try to only shoot during certain types of the day to help make editing more consistent. Presets have saved me lots of time with my editing! I tend to give a lot of photographs to clients in their galleries and its just not feasible for me to totally hand edit from start to finish, so applying a preset first and then doing little tweaks afterwards saves me time.
One of the presets I use is called LOAF from the Tribe Archipelago. Awesome presets! Recently I was able to get a feature on their blog, which I am so excited about! MY FIRST FEATURE!! :)
You can check it out here and scroll down to see my photograph!! :) (copy and paste the link if it won't let you click directly on it!)
Here are a few more of my favorites from my session with Jordan. She is so beautiful, a hard worker and also a talented photographer!
In case you were wondering, that dress is from Forever 21!
That's all for my first blog! I'm sure I'll get better at this over time and think of some more things to talk about. I talk A LOT for those who know me. I could talk for hours! I connect easily with most people which has also been a strength for me in my business. I'm not sure if that will carry over into blogging as I'm a little random and all over the place so hopefully I can still capture your attention! I need to put my energy into blogging and maybe at least one person will find it somewhat useful or entertaining! Can I get an Amen? Or at least an LOL? Are you still there?
Blessings and love to you,
Deanna Barber